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The 3rd Ocean Science Big Data Contest
제 3회 해양과학 빅데이터 경진대회

The 3rd Ocean Science Big Data Contest

In accordance with the advent of the 4th industrial era and the conversion of D·N·A (Data·Network·AI) values, we hold “The 3rd ocean science big data contest” based on ocean data to promote ocean literacy and data literacy in Korea.

    Contest title: The 3rd ocean science big data contest
    Host: KIMST(Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology Promotion), The Korean Society of Oceanography
    Organizer: Haebomdata Inc.
    KIOST(Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology), Korea Ocean Foundation, KOREAN SOCIETY OF OCEAN POLICY, K-ECOP, The National Ocean Science Museum, OSEAN(Our Sea Of East Asia Network), KOME(Korea research council of Maritime Education)

    - Promote ocean literacy and data literacy according to the advent of the 4th industrial era and the conversion of values based on D·N·A (Data·Network·AI)

    - Contribute to UN ocean decade through the vitalization of data-based ocean literacy and settling as part of the project to nurture future marine talents

SEALAB 상대투표 오픈
1.SEALAB 상대투표 오픈: 3D map에서 로그인 유저만 투표 가능(~2023.11.24)
2. 활동점수 기간 안내: 2023.10.01. ~ 2023.11.30